Ben Through Space and Time

Sunday, August 17, 2008



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Money Money Money

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And finally, on his 27th birthday, the Tina Jackson, of the US Mint called and asked Ben if he'd mind being on the $50 bill, claiming that her great-great-great-great-great-granduncle
had the $20 bill covered,* but that she didn't give a f*** about Grant.

* True Story
-Tina J.

Mt. Rushmore

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Ben's return to the states was greeted with cheers, parades, and benefit dinners. No one really knows why.

There, the famed sculptor, Matt Noonan FanPage begged Ben to let him carve a likeness of him into a mountain for all to see. Ben not-so-humbly agreed to decorate 3/4 of the mountainside, claiming "The whole thing would just be overkill."


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Furious about losing his Lady-Love (and his right index finger) to an intergalactic oddball, the Duke, Sir Ryan of Williams, had Ben tried for war crimes and immediately deported back to America.

Medieval Times

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Having now discovered the secret of a lifetime, Ben decided to try his luck with the ladies. Much to her dismay, he fell immediately in love with the beautiful Gabrielle Sinclair, who was unfortunately engaged to a rich Irish Duke.

Seeing that the only way to win her heart would be in brutal hand-to-hand combat, a battle ensued for her hand in marriage.